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(1 edit)

i like the idea and it is pretty freaky, but 2 things. took me a solid 20min to find the keycard on top of the electric box, and the little step to get up on the siding looks like a textureless half-rendered box. i get it now, its supposed to indicate you to look on top of the box to get keycard. 2nd thing is i keep running around with the glow sticks but cant find anything indicating pool 1 or 2. so i keep throwing the sticks in different areas. maybe im just missing something. cool game tho. EDIT: Great Crocodile Model & SFX. very nice!

thanks for the feedback, yes about the box/step, i had to do this otherwise it would have been even more hard to find, and emissive lights under that dark water they just behave like that, the light covers the texture, but then i thought, at least the player knows where to go. About the pools, there is a big sign overe the doors hard to miss.